The IMPROVE partners from the region of North Karelia (Finland) have been asked by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to participate in an event held by the ministry last week.
The IMPROVE team from the region of North Karelia (Finland) was asked by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to participate in an event held last week. The event had different speakers from the region, including responsible from the health services (SiunSote), regional towns (Heinävesi & Kitee), health service providers (PK-Terveys & Terveystalo) and the social service office (TE-office). Around 150 people attended the morning program; lots of the attendees were leading politicians and public servants of North Karelia. Moreover, the organisation registered more people watching the live-feed that was provided by the IMPROVE service basket MEVO.
About the IMPROVE services
A panel of 9 participants discussed different topics, ranging from health services to dealing with bullying in schools. During the discussion, they were requested to give their opinion on the statements made by other panelists. At the same time, the audience could indicate if they agreed or not using Poll Everywhere service, also a part of the IMPROVE service basket. The opinions of the audience, using their mobile phone, tablet or computer, were shown behind the panelist in real-time, reflecting their opinion on the discussed topic.
Results of the event
The live polls attracted more than 70 answers for each question and sparked interesting debates throughout the morning. Furthermore, the recorded event has been viewed over 800 times. In one word, it has been an overall success for the IMPROVE service basket.